Presenting Sponsor

PastPort Partners

Corning Museum of Glass. Home to the world's largest collection of glass, showcasing 3,500 years of glass art and history, CMoG welcomes visitors from around the world to explore the amazing properties of glass through live glassmaking demos, hands-on exhibits, and Make Your Own Glass experiences.

Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor works to preserve the extraordinary heritage of the Erie Canalway, to promote the Corridor as a world class tourism destination, and to foster vibrant communities connected by more than 500 miles of waterways.

Lake Champlain Maritime Museum is a research and educational institution dedicated to preserving and sharing the extraordinary cultural and natural resources of Lake Champlain.


New York State Canal Corporation manages the 524 miles of navigable canals in New York State. Their website offers information about boating, biking, and touring the Erie Canal and other canals in New York, and resources and event information along the waterways.

The New York State Council on the Arts is dedicated to preserving and expanding the rich and diverse cultural resources that are and will become the heritage of New York’s citizens.

Maritime Sponsors

Port Sponsors